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Water Quality Modeling & Management Plan

Water Circulation Patterns, and Residence Times

Listed below are many of the projects we’ve completed for our clients over the years. We’ve chosen to focus and expand on several key examples which are highlighted in blue. Clicking on those projects allows you to view in-depth what services NCI provided as well as details on the project itself.

Coastal Engineering and Water Quality Study

Bahia de los Sueños, Baja California, Mexico

NCI evaluated the feasibility of six waterfront development alternatives for a real estate development at the Bahia de los Sueños, Baja California, Mexico. The six alternatives consisted of an open deep water lagoon, open shallow water lagoon, closed salt water lagoon, open mooring facility, docking facilities at “El Manglito”, and RO seawater desalination plant discharge. The coastal analysis and water quality study performed included: oceanographic measurements and a bathymetric and beach survey; tidal harmonics analysis and tidal predictions; wind wave hindcasting; wave transformation using Mike 21-PMS; hurricane wave generation and transformation using Mike 21-SW; littoral processes, shoreline impact and beach erosion analysis; lagoon water circulation modeling using RMA2; lagoon water quality modeling using RMA4; evaluation of lagoon water quality based on water exchange time and residence time; tidal inlet hydrodynamic analysis to optimize the inlet design; modeling salinity distribution adjacent to the desalination discharge using RMA4 to optimize outfall placement and desalination plant design; analysis of open mooring facilities and docking facilities; and conceptual design of entrance channel jetties to the lagoon.

Coastal Engineering and Water Quality Study

Oxnard West Drain Water Quality Enhancement

Oxnard, CA

This task consisted of review of feasible means and methods to reduce the discharge of debris into Mandalay Bay from the Oxnard West Drain. Plans and specifications were prepared under staff direction to relocate temporary debris barriers within the flood control channel.

Oxnard West Drain Water Quality Enhancement

Santa Margarita Estuary Hydrodynamic Analysis

San Diego County, CA

This project involved the hydrodynamic analysis using water levels, river flow data, and lagoon bathymetry to complete an estuary analysis for currents and water mixing within the Santa Margarita River Estuary using the Surface-Water Modeling System (SMS). This modeling simulation was conducted in support of a feasibility study for a constructed wastewater treatment wetland to assess the potential impacts of any discharge of treated water on the estuarine water quality. Fieldwork consisting of orthophotgraphy and topographic mapping, and bathymetric surveys was conducted to formulate the model’s base map for numerical simulations. The tidal-induced estuarine hydrodynamics including water level and currents were modeled with the consideration of the wetting and drying processes within the estuary boundary. The model calibration was performed using the water level data at the USGS gage located in the estuary. In addition, coastal processes within the shoreline segment of the estuary region were also assessed. The modeled results are to be used to determine potential accumulation of secondary contaminants from the wastewater discharge during times of no direct connection to the ocean.

Santa Margarita Estuary Hydrodynamic Analysis Santa Margarita Estuary Hydrodynamic Analysis
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