Key Staff
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Thomas J. Fischetti | Manager, Engineering Design
Thomas J. Fischetti, P.E.
Manager, Engineering Design
Mr. Fischetti has over 28 years experience in civil and structural engineering and project management.
His professional experience encompasses strategic, operational and technical support roles, with major emphasis leading structural engineering and design services offered by NCI. His demonstrated ability to deliver quality service are the result of a broad range of experience in design, project management, controls and scheduling for large and small projects – like buildings, offshore platforms, tanks, equipment and pipe supports, process plants, pipelines, piers, wharfs and levees. He has prepared construction documents for numerous public works and private projects.
Mr. Fischetti’s engineering expertise encompasses onsite investigations and finite element modeling and analysis of indeterminate structures. The renovation of the Tracy Pump Plant Fish Bypass Facility is a recent example where his expertise was put to work. A three-dimensional structural model of the access pier allowed for a sophisticated analysis – and simple solution – to support temporary construction loads that would be encountered during the renovation. The attentive and comprehensive analysis was sufficient to address initial concerns to safely implement the work and ultimately was proven to be an effective and efficient means to renovate the facility.