Dredging, Bulkhead & Fender Improvements Berth D-46
Port of Long Beach Facility, CA
Noble Consultants performed a preliminary engineering and construction cost assessment for the repair and rehabilitation requirements for G-P Gypsum’s Berth D-46 Port of Long Beach facility. The purpose of NCI’s services was to provide recommendations regarding the most economical approach to maintain the plant’s bulkhead protection, rehabilitate the deteriorated wharf fender system, and restore project depths within the bulk carrier berth.
The G-P Gypsum Berth 46 plant receives deliveries of gypsum ore by bulk carrier on a monthly basis. The existing berth is 640 feet long with an existing depth of -31 to -33 feet MLLW that requires dredging in order to deepen to a projected depth of -38 to -40 feet MLLW. NCI evaluated dredging methods, disposal alternatives, dredged channel stabilization retention structures, permit requirements, and opinion of construction costs. In addition, NCI evaluated alternative designs and construction methods including opinion of construction costs to replace the wharf’s deteriorated fender system and to rehabilitate and replace its deteriorating bulkhead system.