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Navigation & Channel Improvements

Navigation Hazards, Channel Deepening & Widening, and Vessel Traffic

Listed below are many of the projects we’ve completed for our clients over the years. We’ve chosen to focus and expand on several key examples which are highlighted in blue. Clicking on those projects allows you to view in-depth what services NCI provided as well as details on the project itself.

San Leandro Marina Facilities Replacement

San Leandro, CA

This marina replacement project included the relocation of 13 steel pile aids-to-navigation (ATON) along a two-mile entrance channel to the marina basin. NCI’s services included preparation of plans, specifications, bid documents, cost estimate, and performance of construction management and inspection to oversee the widening of this entrance channel. These ATON structures included piles, platforms, lanterns and ladders. A geodetic survey was required for the relocated ATON structures, with submittals to the National Geodetic Survey and the U.S. Coast Guard.

San Leandro Marina Facilities Replacement San Leandro Marina Facilities Replacement

Port Hueneme Harbor

Port Hueneme, CA

NCI performed a reconnaissance study to determine the feasibility of modifications to the existing harbor entrance, turning basin and berthing areas to accommodate deeper draft commercial and military ship traffic. Studies included a review of existing and future port operations; stability of existing pier and wharf structures for different deepening alternatives; turning basin widening concepts; disposal of contaminated dredge spoil; and harbor entrance refinements to remedy adverse cross-currents. Structural design concepts were proposed to stabilize existing side slopes, widen navigation channels, and completely refurbish aged facilities. In a subsequent project, NCI prepared a cargo forecast and ship analysis, and the preliminary design for wharf reinforcement alternatives. This work included identifying the technical/economic trends that will shape the ocean carrier industry in the future including estimating generic port capabilities to determine typical requirements for channel depths/widths, turning basins, shore services and environmental protection measures; evaluating/forecasting commercial demand for port capabilities within the Harbor District; reviewing existing and probable continued use for military ship traffic/cargo operations including an assessment of potential long-term use; determining the minimum channel dimensions that will be required by the projected cargo flows, port services requirements, expected vessel size and type; economic impact of the Port in terms of sales, jobs, and tax revenue; and preparing conceptual alternative designs and costs of necessary structural improvements to wharfs to accommodate the proposed new channel depth.

Port Hueneme Harbor
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