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Shore & River Bank Protection

Stone, Concrete Block, Concrete Lined, and Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Bank Protection

Listed below are many of the projects we’ve completed for our clients over the years. We’ve chosen to focus and expand on several key examples which are highlighted in blue. Clicking on those projects allows you to view in-depth what services NCI provided as well as details on the project itself.

San Luis Rey River Revetment

Oceanside, CA

An existing concrete slope protection, fronting a residential development along the eastern river bank of the San Luis Rey River, immediately north of Murray Road, experienced severe undermining and damage during high river flow conditions due to insufficient toe depth. NCI’s scope of services included analyzing the river/channel bed hydraulic/erosional characteristics; performing the engineering design for an improved revetment structure designed to meet Standard Project Flood criteria; preparing construction drawings, specifications and contract documents; and providing full time resident inspection and construction management. The new structure consisted of 6,000 lineal feet of stone revetment, including filter rock and geotextile fabric, constructed on a 2:1 (h:v) slope that deepened the existing toe by 15 feet in vertical elevation. Damaged portions of the existing concrete protection were removed, and after reconstruction of the eroded river bank, the new stone revetment was constructed over the lower portion of the remaining existing structure. In addition, existing storm drain lines were improved as required. The contractor utilized a dewatering well point system in order to deepen the new revetment’s toe elevation.

San Luis Rey River Revetment

Emery Point Shoreline Rehabilitation

Emeryville, CA

NCI prepared the final design and prepared the contract documents for rehabilitation of 670 feet of shoreline protection directly exposed to the entrance to San Francisco Bay. The design involved two separate sections to account for varying degrees of wave exposure. One section involved a wide berm to minimize potential wave runup and overtopping. Other design components included extension of storm drains and inclusion of landscape architectural drawings and specifications into the contract documents. NCI also provided full time resident inspection.

Emery Point Shoreline Rehabilitation

Dana Point Headlands Development & Conservation Plan

Dana Point, CA

Dana Point Headlands Development & Conservation Plan, Dana Point, CA. This project consisted of the development of 121 acres on the Dana Point Headlands in Dana Point to include; 125 residential lots; a 65-room inn; up to 40,000 square feet of visitor/recreational commercial use; and 62 acres of public open space including 30 acres of conservation area. NCI’s extensive involvement included; preparation of coastal engineering assessment; engineering design of a 2200 lineal foot reconstructed revetment with walkways on top; engineering design of various types of retaining walls within the project site; on-site construction inspection; and post-construction beach monitoring.

Dana Point Headlands Development & Conservation Plan NCI prepared the coastal engineering assessment for the proposed Headlands Development and Conservation Plan. A baseline description of the local and regional coastal processes was prepared and compared to potential project impacts related to surf zone wave characteristics, cross-shore and alongshore sediment transport, and bluff erosion rates. Impacts associated with reconstruction of the existing revetment structure, reduction of sediment yield, construction of new storm drain outlets, pedestrian walkway and access ramp were also addressed. Mitigation measures to minimize the identified potential impacts were analyzed. NCI worked closely with the client to modify the design features of the reconstructed revetment and various retaining walls within the project’s development, and prepared the design calculations, construction plans and specifications. NCI is currently providing construction support to ensure that the contractor meets the requirements of the design specifications for the proposed revetment and retaining walls.

Dana Point Headlands Development & Conservation Plan Dana Point Headlands Development & Conservation Plan
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