Comprehensive Coastal Sand Management Plan
Santa Barbara/Ventura County Coastline, CA
B.E.A.C.O.N. is a joint power authority consisting of the Cities of Port Hueneme, Oxnard, San Buenaventura, Carpinteria and Santa Barbara, and the Counties of Ventura and Santa Barbara, which was established to seek solutions to reestablish their eroding shorelines. NCI’s study included the inventory of offshore, harbor entrance and fluvial sand sources; estimating erosion rates and sediment budgets; preparing a comprehensive sand management program to control beach erosion; and recommending and implementing an effective monitoring plan to observe indicators of beach health within the Santa Barbara and Ventura County coastline. A field program of seismic profiling, dart coring and vibracore sampling was performed to identify favorable sand deposits that exist within close proximity to beaches in need of nourishment. The flood levels and erosion rates/sediment budget were developed using numerical wave and sediment models, aerial photographs and surveyed beach profiles. Twenty-five beach profile stations covering the 60-mile study coastline were established, with two sets of bathymetric surveys performed along these transects. This study included evaluating potential dredging equipment, and methods and costs to perform large scale beach nourishment. Environmental, economic and cost-benefit evaluations were also performed. The final report recommended three alternative levels of a coastal sand management plan and included several demonstration projects. Funding opportunities are being explored through federal and state channels.