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Hydrologic & Hydraulic Feasibility Study, Phase II

Hydrologic & Hydraulic Feasibility Study, Phase II

Bel Marin Keys, CA

NCI is currently under contract with the Corps of Engineers (San Francisco District) to perform on-call design services for navigation and water resources projects. The Phase II study for the Bel Marin Keys V Wetland Restoration project is part of the overall Hamilton Wetlands Restoration and the work order is to perform an assessment of hydraulics, hydrodynamics, and sediment movement in Novato Creek located in San Francisco Bay. The tasks include bathymetric survey in Novato Creek, deployment and retrieval of tide gages and current meters, and hydraulic & hydrodynamic numerical simulations. The hydraulic simulations are to assess the potential impacts to water levels at various reaches of the creek under 19 different scenarios of flood and project improvement conditions. The tidal-induced estuarine hydrodynamic modeling is to characterize water level and currents throughout the Lower Novato Creek so as to address any potential shoaling and scouring impacts resulting from the proposed Bel Marin Keys V wetland restoration.

Hydrologic & Hydraulic Feasibility Study, Phase II Hydrologic & Hydraulic Feasibility Study, Phase II Hydrologic & Hydraulic Feasibility Study, Phase II

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