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Oceanographic Design Criteria for Ocean & Coastal Structures

Wave Refraction, Wave Shoaling, and External Wave Height Analysis

Listed below are many of the projects we’ve completed for our clients over the years. We’ve chosen to focus and expand on several key examples which are highlighted in blue. Clicking on those projects allows you to view in-depth what services NCI provided as well as details on the project itself.

Storm Surge Protection Wall for Gulk LNG Clean Energy Project

Jackson County, MS

In September of 2008, Gulf LNG submitted a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) filing which provided responses to FERC Environmental Data Requests. The FERC filing provided detailed data that support the final design of a new LNG facility’s Terminal Seawall and supplemented the general design information that was filed with FERC.

NCI conducted the independent coastal engineering technical review of the proposed surge protection wall design and supporting documents. The tasks NCI performed included; Investigation of the 100-year storm surge elevation and offshore storm wave conditions; review of the hurricane storm wave modeling studies; review and re-calculate the wave forces on the surge protection wall; review the wave-induced toe-erosion; calculate the wave runup and wave overtopping on the wall; recommendation of additional wave studies, and providing detailed written review comments on the surge protection wall design.

Storm Surge Protection Wall for Gulk LNG Clean Energy Project

Ocean Pier Rehabilitation for the Balboa and Newport Ocean Piers

Newport Beach, CA

NCI surveyed the existing conditions for both the Balboa and Newport ocean piers, prepared recommended alternative rehabilitation design concepts, and prepared the final design, drawings, specifications, contract documents and cost estimates for the selected rehabilitation design concept at each pier, and engineering support during construction bidding. NCI’s design work included utility replacement for lighting, electrical systems, communication systems, potable water, fire protection systems, gas lines and sewer lines.

The city’s two municipal piers were rehabilitated to replace foundation piles, bracing, decking, miscellaneous hardware, utilities, and other amenities. Over 40,000 square feet of deteriorated concrete pavement and 60-year old timber sub-decking was replaced with a new structural concrete section. Utilities were replaced and rerouted into top-side utility trenches, and a new guardrail was detailed for the Balboa Pier. The contract documents were prepared to minimize interruption to affected lessees.

Ocean Pier Rehabilitation for the Balboa and Newport Ocean Piers Ocean Pier Rehabilitation for the Balboa and Newport Ocean Piers Ocean Pier Rehabilitation for the Balboa and Newport Ocean Piers Ocean Pier Rehabilitation for the Balboa and Newport Ocean Piers Ocean Pier Rehabilitation for the Balboa and Newport Ocean Piers Ocean Pier Rehabilitation for the Balboa and Newport Ocean Piers

Coastal Engineering and Water Quality Study

Bahia de los Sueños, Baja California, Mexico

NCI evaluated the feasibility of six waterfront development alternatives for a real estate development at the Bahia de los Sueños, Baja California, Mexico. The six alternatives consisted of an open deep water lagoon, open shallow water lagoon, closed salt water lagoon, open mooring facility, docking facilities at “El Manglito”, and RO seawater desalination plant discharge. The coastal analysis and water quality study performed included: oceanographic measurements and a bathymetric and beach survey; tidal harmonics analysis and tidal predictions; wind wave hindcasting; wave transformation using Mike 21-PMS; hurricane wave generation and transformation using Mike 21-SW; littoral processes, shoreline impact and beach erosion analysis; lagoon water circulation modeling using RMA2; lagoon water quality modeling using RMA4; evaluation of lagoon water quality based on water exchange time and residence time; tidal inlet hydrodynamic analysis to optimize the inlet design; modeling salinity distribution adjacent to the desalination discharge using RMA4 to optimize outfall placement and desalination plant design; analysis of open mooring facilities and docking facilities; and conceptual design of entrance channel jetties to the lagoon.

Coastal Engineering and Water Quality Study

Omaha Beach Nourishment

Omaha Beach, New Zealand

Based upon an intensive investigation of the coastal processes along a sand spit and inlet at Omaha Beach, NCI participated in the design of a series of groins, a seawall and a program of beach nourishment to reestablish shoreline equilibrium as a means of shore protection, stabilization of a navigational channel and protection of waterfront homes. Services included the preparation of engineering drawings, specifications and cost estimates, in addition to construction review and a follow-up beach monitoring program.

Omaha Beach Nourishment
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